Water Fitness FAQ
I’m young and athletic – can water exercise really provide the workout I need?
Definitely! Water fitness programming has progressed and diversified over the past several years, which is one of the reasons we plan to see such a big “wave” of participation. A significant part of the workout intensity is up to the individual (i.e., you can employ various training principles to alter the intensity). And don’t forget, specialized aquatic fitness equipment that we offer can further enhance your training results.
What is the purpose of wearing shoes while exercising in the water?
Although impact is greatly reduced in the pool, you will still experience some impact stress to the weight bearing joints of the body (unless you remain in a suspended position, such as deep-water exercise). Water shoes provide added cushion, shock absorption and comfort during bouncing movements. Shoes also provide ankle support, which is important in programs that include twisting or turning activities. Footwear can also protect your feet from rough surfaces (pool bottom, deck or locker room). This is critical for individuals with diabetes. Pregnant women are recommended to wear shoes to provide additional support as well as to prevent slipping and possible falls. The best news, water shoes can make your workout more effective!
Do I need to bring a water bottle to my aquatic fitness classes?
Yes. Even though the water cools the body more effectively, you will lose fluids from perspiration during vigorous aquatic programs. To prevent overheating and related problems (muscle cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke) it is suggested to drink water before, during and after exercise. Keep your water bottle handy at the side of the pool and your workout can continue uninterrupted.