Westboro Tennis & Swim Club Retrain


Fitness Consultations  

Check in with one of our fitness professionals to review your fitness goals and get a path to success. You will receive an Inbody (body composition) screening, review your current program and receive feedback on lifts.

One free annually to Fitness Members, $30 each after.  img

Contact Megan Sayre-Scibona with questions or to schedule: [email protected]


Nutrition Programming

Michelle Furbush, our Nutrition Coach, offers two programs to help our members learn about their individualized nutritional needs:

  • The 12 Week Transformation is a nutritional coaching program that is uniquely designed for each individual participant. Members-$390, Non-Members-$485
  • Choose to Lose is a 6-week small group class that will help you begin to meet your physical goals as well as educate you on your individual nutrition. Members Only-$420

Contact Michelle Furbush with questions or to schedule: [email protected]


Assisted Stretch Therapy (Launching Late Winter)

Meet with one of our certified stretch trainers to improve your range of motion, posture and ability to move with ease. R3's assisted stretch therapy uses the Fascial Stretch Therapy methodology of treating the whole individual rather than an individual body part. It is pain-free and uses constant movements of traction and stabilization to decompress joints and expand space in the soft tissues.

Half-Hour Sessions:img

4 Sessions $220/mo ($55/session)

8 Sessions $416/mo ($52/session)

12 Sessions $600/mo ($50/session)

Non-Member Price: $85/half hour

Hour Sessions:

4 Sessions $420/mo. ($105/session)

8 Sessions $760/mo. ($95/session)

12 Sessions $1020/mo. ($85/session)

Non-Member Price: $145/hour

Contact Megan Sayre-Scibona with questions or to schedule: [email protected]